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Dog & puppy
Trays & cans dog food
My Dog Adult 7+ With Tender Turkey Rice & Vegetable Medley Wet Dog Food | 100g
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$1.05 - $1.80
Carefully prepared in the Hume Region of Australia using premium quality meat with no added preservatives, MY DOG recipes provide your dog a delicious healthy meal full of essential vitamins and minerals. Cooked to perfection your dog will love the taste of My DOG Adult 7+ with Tender Turkey, Rice & Vegetable Medley. Lovingly created to be 100% complete and balanced Made with No Artificial Flavours Specially formulated for older dogs High quality recipes made with select natural ingredients Australian Made
Meats (including Chicken &/or Turkey &/or Sheep &/or Beef &/or Pork); Vegetables; Rice; Gelling Agents; Vegetable Fibre; Minerals & Vitamins; Plant Extracts (contains Natural Antioxidants); Flavours; Amino Acid.
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