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Dog & puppy
Trays & cans dog food
Optimum Adult Lamb & Rice Dog Food | 700g
Shop All Trays & cans dog food
$4.00 - $5.00
30% off
What a dog eats at Each life stage has a powerful effect on their growth, strength and total well-being. The OPTIMUM range is developed in association with the Waltham Petcare Science Institute, a world leading authority in pet care and pet health, so you can be confident that your pets receive the best in pet nutrition. OPTIMUM products deliver balanced nutrition and flavour variety that your dog will love with a selection of wet and dry products tailored to every life stage. Supports Natural Defence & VitalityEnriched with Antioxidants
Meat (chicken, lamb &/or sheep, beef &/or pork &/or turkey); rice; gelling agents; vegetable oil; vegetable fibre; amino acids; vitamins & minerals; colouring agent; natural flavour (including garlic); plant extracts (contain natural antioxidants).
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