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Dry dog food
My Dog With Gourmet Beef And Roast Vegetable Flavour Dry Dog Food | 1.5kg
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Carefully prepared using premium quality real meat with no added preservatives, MY DOG recipes provides your dog a deliciously healthy meal full of essential vitamins and minerals.MY DOG With Gourmet Beef & Vegetables is made from high quality ingredients. The blend of crunchy, dry kibble and soft, meaty pieces will provide the perfect balance of taste and nutrition for your furry friend. This carefully prepared meal is made with quality Australian meat and is 100% complete & balanced. You can be assured by feeding MY DOG dry dog food, you are giving your dog all the essential vitamins and minerals they need. SEMI MOIST KIBBLE MY DOG Dry meals contain a blend of flavourful crunchy kibble with tender meaty pieces which help keep teeth & gums healthy. MADE WITH REAL MEAT Recipes made with real MEAT as the #1 ingredient. 100% COMPLETE & BALANCED MY DOG Dry Dog Food is complete and balanced and fortified with vitamins and minerals to help dogs of all sizes, especially small breeds, stay healthy. BEEF AS A SOURCE OF PROTEIN Recipes including quality BEEF as a source of protein. AUSTRALIAN MADE Using local ingredients wherever possible this delicious meal is crafted in Australia. High Quality Ingredient. Quality Australian Meat. Help Keep Teeth & Gums Healthy..
Wholegrain cereals; meat & meat by-products (poultry, beef); rice; chicken flavour; beet pulp; glycerol; salt; vitamins & minerals; vegetables; vegetable oil; amino acid; flavours; colours and antioxidants.
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